
"Let's be cheerful"! We have no more right to steal the brightness out of the day for our own family than we have to steal the purse of a stranger. Let us be as careful that our homes are furnished with pleasant & happy thoughts as we are that the rugs are the right color and texture & the furniture comfortable and beautiful"! Laura Ingalls Wilder

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength...  I'm getting stronger.  That's the beauty of waiting.  Of course as I wait and the Lord renews, life happens.  It happens and happens all around you keeping you right there in the center of it.  I want to wait quietly but that's not His plan.  And that's how we get stronger...

If this doesn't make any sense, please forgive me.  Just more of my ramblings.

Blessings, Debbie  


  1. Makes perfect sense to me...hope you are doing well

  2. Oh, isn't that the truth? Waiting and doing seem to go hand in hand especially for a busy wife and mom.

  3. I hope you are well, Debbie. I like your new header, btw. xo

  4. Hi Debbie,

    I haven't had time to visit blogs for awhile, but this evening I really enjoyed spending some quiet time visiting your blog. It was fun to read through pages of posts and catching up with you. It spoke to my heart --- of friendship, fun, babies, and a beautiful knitting project. I hope you are doing well and that spring will bring renewed energy. I will be by again --- and thanks for your visits to Gracious Hospitality!

    ~ LaTeaDah ~

  5. Here's what I've learned - waiting upon the Lord is sometimes its own reward. Then we get the renewed strength, on top of it. :)

    blessings to you - Marsha

  6. Makes complete sense to me! I have become a pretty good waiter. I say that not to boast in myself but to boast in the LORD. He has worked very hard to perfect me into a woman who waits. I'm not saying I'm "there" yet, but I'm on the pilgrim's path to patience.

  7. Yes, it makes sense. Waiting while living...learning while giving...being strengthened while strengthening others...
    So glad that you are living out His plan for you, my friend! Blessings to you as you are in His waiting room...and hugs, of course.

  8. Oh, it makes sense all right!

    And I sure do like like your header. It renews my determination to find a printer's drawer. (I had one years ago but sold it. Now I want another one. Note: I said "want" - not "need".)

  9. That's the beauty of it isn't it? That life keeps on happening, considering the alternative!

  10. Oh, it makes sense, all right. I hope you're feeling well.

  11. I love the feeling of "strength gains" and your post reminds me of a period of time when I felt very wobbly. After giving birth to baby number three, my mom had to go home (she couldn't just move in. Drat!) and I read in the Word that out of the mouths of nursing babes comes strength. Every time I'd nurse I would get stronger . . . baby steps. Miraculous. Love to you, good Debbie.

  12. I was looking for a critter in that photo. Must be because as I was sitting in my yard yesterday I watched a baby chipmunk jump up onto my back steps!

  13. Makes sense to me too! Maybe not exactly the context that you are personally coming from, but waiting on the Lord for HIS strength is not always easy...but always worth it!

    Have a lovely day! :)

  14. You sound like you are very busy over there! I hope you are well my friend.

  15. hmm, that made complete sense!


  16. Makes complete sense to me. I've just been doing some reading on this very thing. Just relax and know that I'm in the place I need to be...and God has great plans.
    Hugs to you...hope all is well!

  17. sometimes I need reminders like these hour by hour. Keeping waiting on His strength.


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