
"Let's be cheerful"! We have no more right to steal the brightness out of the day for our own family than we have to steal the purse of a stranger. Let us be as careful that our homes are furnished with pleasant & happy thoughts as we are that the rugs are the right color and texture & the furniture comfortable and beautiful"! Laura Ingalls Wilder

Thursday, January 26, 2012

brighter mornings

Today we were very purposeful in our shopping.  On the list; 2 alarm clocks and an enamelware dye pot.  The dye pot is for me...  Well, I guess the alarm clocks are too.  They will reside on the girl's bedtables.  The'll make some annoying early noise that will have to be silenced by the girls.  But the girls didn't really care to have them.  I wanted them.  From now on it's the alarm clocks that will do the nagging. It's the alarm clocks that will have to listen to the girls early moanings, and the alarm clocks will be the only witnesses to the groggy faces, because by the time those faces get downstairs they'll be bright eyed ~ and smiling their good mornings.

Right?  Right.

Blessings, Debbie


  1. My boy's found alarm clocks in their stockings this past Christmas for the same reason! It works.

  2. I remember how sleepy I was in the mornings when I was a teenager. I would drag myself out of bed, thinking and plotting about when I could take a nap later in the day. Rarely were naps a reality, too many interesting things to do! I bet the girls WILL come down stairs with bright and shiny faces!

  3. Ha ha! I used to wake the kids up when they were here. Now they have their own systems at school. Only one grumbled :)

  4. LOL! Good luck with that. I'll have to admit, I don't miss that battle. ;) blessings ~ tanna

  5. Hmmm...I hope it works for you. I remember having to go up the stairs and yelling "didn't you set your alarm?" ..ugh. xo

  6. Good luck with your plan. Oh what fun a dye pot can be!

  7. Good luck with that! :P

    I am certain your plan will work!

    Have a delightful day!


  8. As the mother of two girls who can sleep on with alarm clocks ringing right next to their dear heads, I wish you the best! (Kati once slept for 35 minutes with the alarm clock buzzing constantly...and I am the one who finally caved and went upstairs to wake her.)
    It's a great plan though! :-D

  9. I sure do hope they work. I end up going UPSTAIRS to turn off the clocks after about 30 minutes...
    I keep threatening to install an old-school "fire bell" in the hallway, with a button for it in the kitchen.

    It would get ME out of bed! lol.

  10. Oh!! If only it were really that simple, eh? Good luck!

  11. Hope your plan works, If they are like my kids, they will turn them off, put their pillow over their head and return to dreamland.

  12. Alarms clocks never make *me* bright eyed and smiling by the time I face the world... Good luck with that! ;)

  13. Well, it's worth a try! Go for it! But, I never put mine on the bedside table...put it across the room so you have to get UP to turn it off.

  14. Well I hope that works, my boys will have theirs in their hands and be still asleep. :)
    I am still nagging.

  15. Good for you! Alarm clocks are good helpers! :-)

  16. right!;) completely right;) love this post and I love the beautiful sun rays looking in at the morning..delighful like your words;)

  17. Sure! I already know how that turned out!!

  18. Oh I am laughing...I too bought alarm clocks while home schooling our older four...somehow my plan never worked as I intended....they seemed to sleep straight through them and I was in their room turning the annoying thing off while they kept right on they heard me nag!!

    Enjoy your wonderful school days...ours are so different this year.

  19. This is really funny -- I just put "alarm clocks (2)" on my shopping list for the same reason. :)

  20. So far MOST of the kiddos here manage to get up on their own. What makes me smile every morning is their squinty eyed look as they wander into the brightly lit kitchen. I hope they will work for you.



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