First you purchase a second hand, richly stuffed feather pillow... you know, your standard, "good night, I'm going to bed now" bed pillow. Next you make a new form from stash fabric that you've never loved. Now rip out a side seam from the feather pillow (carefully because you are quite fond of the old ticking fabric and already have ideas for its re-purposing) and create the biggest mess you've EVER made by pulling handfuls of feathers from the old and stuffing them into the new. It took just over half the feathers to firmly stuff it. Whip stitch the opening, take it outside and beat, beat, beat it because little fluffies are stuck all over the exterior (feathers inside pillow.. good, feathers outside pillow.. bad). Come back in and sweep up the ridiculous mess from the floor and the chair that you were sitting in.
Making the pillow cover was quick and much more fun. It's just a simple envelope style but I had some wonderful vintage fabric in 4 smaller pieces that were almost exactly the right size. I'm just saying that transforming a small pillow that you already have is so quick and easy... if you want to make the task more difficult, do what I did. Although I must say that it does feel quite luxurious for the extra effort.
The weather is playing with me.. beautiful glimpses of spring between longish periods of Central Oregon March cold. Audrey and I took a walk yesterday and were surprised by the buds and blooms that are the true harbingers of this long awaited season! Lovely.
Blessings, Debbie
You little pillow turned out quite nice, nice job... You have more patience than me to stuff a pillow with feather. My husband has a tiny rip in his down fill vest and there were little fluffs all over the floor and they were impossible to sweep as they kept flying off in all directions. I had to vacuum them, lol... I'd probably use some soft fibre fill instead of the feather for a pillow.
ReplyDeleteIn the past, I've dumped feathers from old pillows in the compost because it's rich in nitrogen and they compost nicely. That's about the easiest repurposing I've ever done, lol..
Oh, I love it! It's so cute! I need to make a few new pillows for our couch. Hope your spring comes quickly! :)
ReplyDeleteSweet pillow! And I really love that wonderful table and chairs you have. Perfect place for it, too.
ReplyDeleteI really like your pillow!
ReplyDeleteI bet that pillow will be every nappers favorite!
ReplyDeleteIt's been such a winter of teasings of 2 days of sun, with 4-day stretches of dreariness and damp. Can't wait until real spring is here for good. The pillow is so pretty!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a pretty pillow. ♥ I had a good chuckle imagining the feather mess--been there done that!
ReplyDeleteI like your cheery pillow renovation and its simple envelope style. Doesn't it stand to reason that the day we are feeling most creative is the day we make the most mess whether at the sewing table or the kitchen sink?