
"Let's be cheerful"! We have no more right to steal the brightness out of the day for our own family than we have to steal the purse of a stranger. Let us be as careful that our homes are furnished with pleasant & happy thoughts as we are that the rugs are the right color and texture & the furniture comfortable and beautiful"! Laura Ingalls Wilder

Monday, March 24, 2014

I'm texting you..

God's Not Dead!

Definitely go and see it.  Pack as many as you can in your friend's 13 passenger van and make an evening of it.  Then text the ones who didn't make it and give them the news!

Blessings, Debbie


  1. Can't wait to see it! Have to drive over an hour, but sure it will be worth it!

  2. Interesting! Thank you for the tip!

  3. I can't even tell you how long it's been since I've watched a movie let alone "out" to go see one.

    You certainly inspire. :)

    Frozen is another I hear is a must see.. I have no idea..

  4. Awesome advertisement for this movie. Thumbs up.

  5. Do they encourage you to text your friends after you see it? Just wondering because I got a text last week!!! Gods Not Dead! ;)

  6. Will do..cute post. I have learned to text and am amazed at how much I do it in order to enter into my children's world. Praise God He is Not DEAD!!

  7. I heard about this movie on the 700 club, and want to see it, I also want to see Son of God. Thanks for sharing.
    love the photo would make a great advertisement.

  8. I'd love to see it, but I've not heard of it this side of the Pond....pity. Will keep eyes peeled though!
    Thanks for the heads ~up reply : HALLELUJAH!!!!

  9. We are waiting til it's at the local cheap theater...Lord willing! Glad you enjoyed it and had fun dong so! ~Lisa

  10. Debbie, just watched this tonight with my kids on Netflix. How fantastic! Hope you are doing well.


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