Each morning, the first thing I do after letting the dog out and feeding the cat is make coffee. Every morning for the past 20 years we have lived in this house I have had pretty much the same routine, plus or minus an animal friend; Roll out of bed. Stumble around an excited dog who exits through the back kitchen door. Trip around a hungry, foot rubbing cat that I feed in the kitchen hall. MAKE COFFEE.
Shortly after I get the pot brewing the husband comes down ready for work. I make him toast and an egg (you know you have to feed those men EVERY morning, they work hard...don't forget) and send him out the door.
So this is where my morning routine takes an unexpected turn. It's a bit of a mystery so stay with me. I even have it solved by the end...
As I said, every morning, same routine. Roll. Stumble. Dog. Trip. Cat. COFFEE. Husband (toast and egg). Door. Done.
About 3 weeks ago I reached step 7 of the morning ritual (that would be husband's toast and egg for those of you who don't want to do the math). I went to push the toast down but it kept popping back up. Press~boing, press~boing. Well, that only happens when the toaster is unplugged. I checked and lo and behold yes, the toaster was unplugged. I easily remedied the situation, proceeded to make the toast and egg and sent happy hubby out the door giving the unusual occurrence nary another thought.
The reason this became blogworthy is that it happened again. And again. And again for several weeks. About day 5 or 6 I began to give it a bit more thought as it was becoming quite disconcerting. As I said, same routine for years. At my age these disruptions can be frustrating.
After some analyzing I decided that my daughter was responsible. Sometimes when she is doing the evening dishes, she'll bring her c.d. player into the kitchen to play audio books or music while she's working. She would have to use the toaster outlet to plug in. Whew, mystery solved.
That kept me satisfied for several more days until out of the blue it hit me. Erin only does the evening dishes a few times a week. This plug thing has been happening every morning! Back to the drawing board.
Long story short, I kind of got used to this new routine, which means I'm giving it less and less thought. Roll. Stumble. Dog. Trip. Cat. COFFEE. Husband (
plug in toaster, toast and egg). Door. Done. You can see for yourself that it is just a minor adjustment...
I really am getting to the end now.
So, about 5 days ago, I am at step 6 (coffee) when I am lambasted with the scary truth of what has been happening. I filled the coffee pot with water, plugged in the coffee grinder, oops, I missed a step. First I had to unplug the toaster to plug in the grinder...
...I just gave you a pause so it could sink in for you like it did me. I, unplugged the toaster. I, did it. Every morning for years. How is it that suddenly it seemed wrong I was having to plug it back in? How is it that I could spend literally weeks trying to solve a mystery that was no mystery at all?
And that dear friends is the state of mind that you have been visiting. I don't mean to scare my young friends, but I'm hoping that I can get some support from my pre and post menopausal sisters out there. Be kind. I'm a bit off and I don't know how I might handle what else you might share. It's a scary world I am entering.
This world is not my home.
This world is not my home.
This world is not my home.
Come Lord Jesus, Come.
Bslgensis, Debbie