
"Let's be cheerful"! We have no more right to steal the brightness out of the day for our own family than we have to steal the purse of a stranger. Let us be as careful that our homes are furnished with pleasant & happy thoughts as we are that the rugs are the right color and texture & the furniture comfortable and beautiful"! Laura Ingalls Wilder

Monday, July 2, 2012

equation review

I wrote here about rhythm and order and I'm here to say that it is still my heart's desire.  I've decided to be pro-active in my approach even though to the observer this would seem the least likely time to take charge. July is the busiest of busy months.  It seems that rather than finding rhythm then order I am actually going at the thing backward.  If rhythm can follow these days of aggressive organizing, then I will change the equation from...

rhythm + order = peace
order + rhythm = peace.  

So far I'm here to say that even if the rhythm doesn't change, there is a tremendous burden lifted in the well ordered home.  It's been a lot of work and I'm physically tired but mentally relieved.  I plan to keep you posted.  I plan to get back into the rhythm of communicating again.

Blessings, Debbie


  1. Definitely need both together. Hope you find your rhythm soon.

  2. I hear ya! I was just thinking today that I can't wait to get life in order again. I feel like the closer we get to moving, the less peace I have. And I CRAVE the ocean and that peaceful serenity you get from it. (went back to your original post)

    Cindy Bee

  3. Well, God be with you, dear Debbie.
    I miss you!

  4. Wishing you that peace in which ever order or rhythm it comes to you. Hugs. JB

  5. Since all of life is a learning/growing experience, then you are naturally going to alter bit by bit your ways of doing things, seeing a better way every now and then. And, also adapting to what else is going on in your life.
    God knows what your heart longs for - He'll lead you closer to that, because His ways are peace.

    Do your best! I know it's what you're doing! This is not a perfect world, and we're not perfect, either. (I keep blabbing because I'm really trying to find the right ways to say what I mean, but I don't think I can do any better than this - but I know what you're saying)

  6. Glad to see you pop in, dear friend! Whenever you're ready with your rhythm, I'll be right here to visit with you. In the meantime, enjoy the new order that you've worked to achieve. May He continue to order your steps!

    Cheryl...who also has a hard time feeling peace without order...

  7. Continents away, I understand exactly what you are talking about! Nice to hear from you again.

  8. It takes a lot of chaos to get to order doesn't it? But when you finally reach it what peace!

  9. Wishing you His Peace which passes all understanding.


  10. Hi Debbie,

    I just wanted to say hello...Sadly I have been unable to comment on your blog for such a long time, but I have now figured out a way, so I am off to catch up on all your posts.

    Sounds like your life has increased in busyness, hope you find a happy balance soon :)

  11. I need order in my home - we are working on it....

    Miss you!


  12. Trying to find my rhythm back after two weeks in California and a week of VBS...

  13. I so relate, Debbie, thinking and praying for you! So good to hear from you, summer is one of our busiest seasons.

  14. Good for you! I certainly feel better when things are in order...clutter makes me crazy!

  15. I have been missing your words of wisdom. I, too, am trying to establish some order into this home we will be leaving within the year, but have to live in until then. It is making me crazy. I am no where near the peace part of the equation yet, but you give me hope!

  16. I desire rhythm and order too - we are created by God who is a God of order and who has established rhythm - so it shouldn't surprise me when I feel out of sorts (which is often, by the way). Too much stuff, not enough time, choosing between good things, not enough time, things out of order, out of control...I dislike it. June and so far July has been very very busy for us. I'm looking forward to a wee bit of down time to collect my thoughts and maybe do some purging of the house next week.

  17. Debbie, I had missed this simple but perfect post. I pinned it under "just plain inspirational".


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