It is with great effort that I submit another pictureless post. I've waited l-o-n-g minutes just to do this. It's definitely not picture storage space, I took care of that last month. No, it's the computer.. I'm just going to continue to milk this one for all she's got knowing full well there is nothing else to be done this year.
I sit and type while a pink glow thins across the rimrock and cars begin their daily pilgrimage west.. to work, to schools. The sound of tires on rain-pooled asphalt is comforting from where I sit in my cozy cotton flannels with steaming coffee. Once again I'm thankful to be enclosed in these warm walls while the world rushes by. The girls will be bouncing down in a few minutes. I can hear them rousing upstairs. As always God is good. Today I am listening. I've asked Him to speak and I am listening with expectation. I've been in Proverbs this morning and already there is direct communication from my loving Abba. Isn't it marvelous the way He feeds us when we are hungry? His pages are full of rich, nourishing meat and bread.. more satisfying than the eggs and toast I fed my husband just before he left to enter 'the pilgrimage'.
I'm feeling another growl coming on so I'm off to feast some more on the Word of Life... To all who are hungry, let them eat!
Enjoy this beautiful day full of rich blessings and sing songs of praise to the One who is generous.